Hello everyone!! today's post is to cheer up
your Monday and for the ones who still don't know, I am sharing the news that
got me excited... FOREVER 21 now on Guatemala!!!
I know that some of you, just like me, fashion lovers have a crush with this brand that follows the trends, is constantly on refresh, and most importantly has that FOREVER YOUNG style that we all love. I think that we all have that side of the style, that young spirit that lives in us, and even if we want to maintain a sober, classy or reserved look, we will always want to show off those pieces of clothing that will make us look young and fresh. And that's how everyone get the benefit of looking good... Who doesn't want to be For ever 21?
As you may see on my previous posts, I have a lot of pieces from this brand.
I became an online shopaholic ordering from Forever 21 and the waiting killed me because I had to wait until everything I ordered arrived to my country, Guatemala.
Now that I have the chance to visit the store here, I assure you I wont suffer anymore waiting and probably you will see me there a lot (lol).
We are on the official count down for the Grant Opening from Forever 21 Guatemala, they want to award our waiting with a Q. 210.00 gift card for the first 500 Forever 21 lovers attending to start with the massive shopping!! I guarantee that our closet's will be grateful :)
I hope to see you this coming Saturday, June 14th at 10:00 am on Forever 21 new store located at Centro Comercial Miraflores, where we will be sharing with other bloggers the experience of becoming crazy together!
Use hashtag: #FOREVER21GT and share your For Ever Young experience!
I know that some of you, just like me, fashion lovers have a crush with this brand that follows the trends, is constantly on refresh, and most importantly has that FOREVER YOUNG style that we all love. I think that we all have that side of the style, that young spirit that lives in us, and even if we want to maintain a sober, classy or reserved look, we will always want to show off those pieces of clothing that will make us look young and fresh. And that's how everyone get the benefit of looking good... Who doesn't want to be For ever 21?
As you may see on my previous posts, I have a lot of pieces from this brand.
I became an online shopaholic ordering from Forever 21 and the waiting killed me because I had to wait until everything I ordered arrived to my country, Guatemala.
Now that I have the chance to visit the store here, I assure you I wont suffer anymore waiting and probably you will see me there a lot (lol).
We are on the official count down for the Grant Opening from Forever 21 Guatemala, they want to award our waiting with a Q. 210.00 gift card for the first 500 Forever 21 lovers attending to start with the massive shopping!! I guarantee that our closet's will be grateful :)
I hope to see you this coming Saturday, June 14th at 10:00 am on Forever 21 new store located at Centro Comercial Miraflores, where we will be sharing with other bloggers the experience of becoming crazy together!
Use hashtag: #FOREVER21GT and share your For Ever Young experience!
Hola a todos!! el post de hoy es para alegrarles el lunes y para los que todavía no se han enterado les comparto una noticia que me tiene súper emocionada... FOREVER 21 AHORA EN GUATEMALA!!!
Se que muchos de ustedes como yo amantes de la moda, tienen un crush con esta marca, que realmente sigue las tendencias, se actualiza constantemente, y sobretodo tiene ese estilo de FOREVER YOUNG que los caracteriza. Creo que todos tenemos ese lado, ese joven que siempre vive en nosotros, y por mas que tengamos un estilo mas formal, mas clásico o reservado, siempre esta ese afán por lucir siempre o de vez en cuando esas prendas que nos hagan lucir ese lado joven que tenemos....Es así como todas las edades salen beneficiadas con esta marca. Quien no quisiera tener por siempre 21? :)
Como podrán notar en anteriores post, tengo mucha ropa de Forever 21 y siempre me volvía una shopaholic addict comprando en la pagina de internet y me moría del estrés teniendo que esperar a que mis cosas vinieran a Guate para poderlas estrenar. Ahora que ya estarán en Guatemala me ahorro la espera para estrenar y seguramente llegare muy seguido haha.
Entonces estamos en cuenta regresiva a 5 días de que abran la tienda, y todavía para premiar nuestra espera les cuento que a los primeros 500 Forever21 lovers que estén en la fila, se les estará entregando un Gift Card de Q. 210.00 para que puedan empezar con sus compras masivas!! Los closets estarán muy agradecidos :)
Así que los invito este Sábado 14 de Junio a conocer la tienda en Centro Comercial Miraflores, las puertas se abrirán a las 10:00 am y estaremos con otras bloggers acompañándolos para que podamos enloquecer juntos!
Usen hashtag: #FOREVER21GT y compartan su expericia!!
By Pame Medina
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